Упражнения Косвенная речь — Reported speech (8 класс)

Косвенная речь (Reported Speech) | Упражнение по английскому с ответами

Пример: She said to me, “Open the window!” – She told me to open the window.

  1. My mother said to me, “Put on your coat!”
  2. My friend said to us, “Don’t come today.”
  3. He said to Mary, “Don’t forget to send me an e-mail.”
  4. Karrie said to me, “Call me tomorrow.”
  5. She said to me, “Don’t shout at me!”

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски словами say и tell в нужной форме

  1. I…………her that she was my only friend.
  2. Did he…………he would stay in New York?
  3. She…………that she was going to invite me.
  4. They didn’t…………us they were ill.
  5. She…………she didn’t play the piano.

Задание 3.  Переведите вопросительные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную

Пример:  He asked me, “Do you know my sister?” – He asked me if I knew his sister.

  1. She asked John, “When are you going to come?”
  2. He asked her, “Who is your favourite actor?”
  3. A man asked me, “Do you have a car?”
  4. My father asked me, “Where were you yesterday?”
  5. Helen asked him, “Will you be at home?”

Задание 4. Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную предложения с модальными глаголами

  1. He said, “I can drive a car.”
  2. She said to me, “You ought to call her.”
  3. She said, “He must stay here.”
  4. They said to me, “You should drive more carefully.”

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски

  1. ”He came yesterday.” She said that he had come……………
  2. “My parents will arrive today.” He said that his parents would arrive……………
  3. “I will contact you tomorrow.” He said he would contact me………………
  4. “I was there the day before yesterday.” She said she was there………………

Задание 1

  1. My mother told me to put on my coat.

    Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say меняется на глагол to tell. Повелительное наклонение заменяется в косвенной речи инфинитивом (глагол с частицей to).

  2. My friend told us not to come that day.

    Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say меняется на глагол to tell. Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not. Today меняется на that day.

  3. He told Mary not to forget to send him an e-mail.

    Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say меняется на глагол to tell. Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not.

  4. Karrie told me to call her the next day.

    Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say меняется на глагол to tell. Повелительное наклонение заменяется в косвенной речи инфинитивом (глагол с частицей to). Tomorrow меняется на the next day.

  5. She told me not to shout at her.

    Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say меняется на глагол to tell. Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not.

Задание 2

  1. told

    После глагола to tell всегда следует косвенное дополнение, обозначающее лицо, к которому обращена просьба или приказание – told her.

  2. say

    Косвенного дополнения, обозначающего лицо, к которому обращена просьба или приказание, нет. Поэтому употребление глагола to tell исключено.

  3. said

    Косвенного дополнения, обозначающего лицо, к которому обращена просьба или приказание, нет. Поэтому употребление глагола to tell исключено.

  4. tell

    После глагола to tell всегда следует косвенное дополнение, обозначающее лицо, к которому обращена просьба или приказание – tell us.

  5. said

    Косвенного дополнения, обозначающего лицо, к которому обращена просьба или приказание, нет. Поэтому употребление глагола to tell исключено.

Задание 3

  1. She asked John when he was going to come.

    Present Simple меняется на Past Simple (are going –> was going). Вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения.

  2. He asked her who was her favourite actor.

    Present Simple меняется на Past Simple (is –> was). В этом предложении “Who is your favourite actor?” вопросительного порядка слов нет изначально, так как это вопрос к подлежащему. В косвенной речи также сохраняется порядок слов повествовательного предложения.

  3. A man asked me if I had a car.

    Present Simple меняется на Past Simple (have –> had). Общие вопросы переводятся в косвенную речь при помощи союзов if/whether. Вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения.

  4. My father asked me where I had been the day before.

    Past Simple меняется на Past Perfect (were –> had been). Вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения. Yesterday меняется на the day before.

  5. Helen asked him if he would be at home.

    Future Simple меняется на Future in the Past (will be –> would be). Общие вопросы переводятся в косвенную речь при помощи союзов if/whether. Вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения.

Задание 4

  1. He said that he could drive a car.

    В косвенной речи can меняется на could.

  2. She told me that I ought to call her.

    Если после to say имеется дополнение, обозначающее лицо, к которому обращаются с речью (to me), то say заменяется tell. Глагол ought в косвенной речи не изменяется.

  3. She said that he must stay there.

    В косвенной речи модальный глагол must в значении приказания и долженствования остается без изменений. Here меняется на there.

  4. They told me that I should drive more carefully.

    Если после to say имеется дополнение, обозначающее лицо, к которому обращаются с речью (to me), то say заменяется tell. Глагол should в косвенной речи не изменяется.

Задание 5

  1. the day before

    В косвенной речи yesterday меняется на the day before.

  2. that day

    В косвенной речи today меняется на that day.

  3. the next day

    В косвенной речи tomorrow меняется на the next day.

  4. two days before

    В косвенной речи the day before yesterday меняется на two days before.

Другие полезные материалы


Упражнения на прямую и косвенную речь в английском языке

Сегодня выполняем упражнения на прямую и косвенную речь в английском языке. Вначале предлагаю Вам повторить правила прямая и косвенная речь в английском языке. Надеюсь, вы готовы и мы можем приступить к выполнению упражнений.

В статье есть упражнения на употребление

Косвенная речь упражнения. Утвердительные предложения

В данной главе выполним indirect speech exercises на перевод утвердительных предложений из прямой речи в косвенную.

Упражнение 1. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Переведите в косвенную речь.

Example “I work hard,” Jillian said.

— Jillian said that he worked hard.

  1. “I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.
  2. “I take my little sister to school every day,” little Anthony said.
  3. “You may take my textbook,” Nonna said.
  4. “They are playing in the gym now,” Nick said.
  5. “I don’t chocolate,” Mary said.
  6. “My sister is ready to go” Helen said.
  7. “My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday,” the girl said.
  8. “The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher said.
  9. “I am not married,” Jimmy said.
  10. “I can't read these books. I don’t them,” Petra said.

Упражнение 2. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Переведите в косвенную речь.

Example 1: I have already finished the test. -> He said he had already finished the test.

  1. We have gone on holiday.
  2. Nelly can’t write; she has cut her finger.
  3. The Ivanovs have travelled to many places.
  4. Sam has already learnt the poem.
  5. My sister has broken my pencil.
  6. My dad has never travelled by plane.
  7. Andrew has lost his keys.
  8. Jill has never slept in a tent.

Example 2:  The party finished late. —> He said (that) the party had finished late.

  1. They lived in a camp when they were on holiday.
  2. My brother got up early this morning.
  3. Li was a famous sportsman.
  4. The couple agreed to meet at six.
  5. Yesterday, I saw Mary in the street.
  6. Sammy arrived by train.
  7. Nicky went home early yesterday.
  8. The kids played tennis in the yard.

Example 3: I’ll meet them at school. —> He said he would meet them at school.

  1. The match will take place next week.
  2. This work will take little time.
  3. My parents will come at 3.
  4. Mike will do this exercise later.
  5. My friend won’t be able to come.
  6. They’ll build a new hotel here.
  7. It will rain tomorrow.
  8. Sandy won’t be able to come.
  9. We’ll have examinations next year.

Упражнение 3. Imagine that you met your friend and he told you something. Writе what he told you.

Example: I haven’t seen you for a long time.—> He told me that he hadn’t seen me for a long time.

  1. I was away from school because I was ill.
  2. I phoned you many times but you were out.
  3. Some of the schoolmates came to see me.
  4. I had a cold and stayed in bed.
  5. I watched TV.
  6. I’ll come to school next week.
  7. I’ll be better I hope.
  8. The doctor has given me many pills.

Упражнение 4. Перепишите предложения из косвенной речи в прямую.

Example: He said the meeting had finished. —> The meeting has finished.

  1. He said that his bus hadn’t come in time the day beforе.
  2. The boys said they would go to the football match.
  3. He said their team hadn’t won the last game.
  4. Molly said that she had gone to the library after school.
  5. Liz said that she would go home early.
  6. Wе said that we hadn’t made any plans yet.

Косвенная речь упражнения. Вопросительные предложения

Переходим к упражнениям на отработку перевода вопросительных предложений из прямой речи в косвенную.

Упражнение 5. Imagine that you saw your doctor yesterday because you had a bad headache. Tell your partner what questions the doctor asked.

Example: Do you sleep well?

— The doctor asked me if I slept well.

  1. Is anything wrong with you?
  2. Do you sometimes have headaches?
  3. Are you taking any medicine now?
  4. Do you spend much time out- of-doors?
  5. Do you do sports?
  6. Have you a good appetite?
  7. Do you usually go to bed late?
  8. Will you follow my advice?

Упражнение 6. Imagine that a reporter from the local newspaper came to your school yesterday. Report his questions.

Еxample: How long have you studied at this school?

— He asked me how long I had studied at that school.

  1. What do you about your school?
  2. What school activity did you have last?
  3. What good habits have you formed at school?
  4. What is your favorite subject?
  5. What is more important for you at school?
  6. How often do you go on school trips?
  7. What is your school record?

Упражнение 7. Report the questions.

Example: Are you glad to be back?

— He asked me if I was glad to be back.

  1. How are you?
  2. How long have you been away?
  3. Are you going away again?
  4. What will you do in future?
  5. Why did you come back?
  6. What are you doing now?
  7. Have you made new friends?
  8. Where are you living now?

Упражнение 8. Report the questions.

Example: Are you English?

— She asked him if he was English.

  1. Can Molly speak English?
  2. What impressed you most in England?
  3. When did Rick come home yesterday?
  4. Does Megan travelling?
  5. Will you come to my place on Friday?
  6. Is it your second visit to England?
  7. Why have you come to scotland?
  8. Will Molly stay at the hotel long?

Упражнение 9. Write reported questions.

Example: “Who is he?” she asked.

— She asked who he was.

  1. “Why is she working so late?” he asked.
  2. “Is she British?” he asked.
  3. “What’s her name?” he asked.
  4. “What did she buy?” he asked.
  5. “Will you have something to eat?” she asked.
  6. “Have they got any money?” she asked.
  7. “How did you do that?” she asked.

Косвенная речь упражнения. Побудительные предложения

Упражнение 10. Imagine that your mother gave you some instructions. Report them to your partner. Use the sentences below.

Example: Feed the cat.

She told me to feed the cat.

  1. Come home straight after school.
  2. Warm up your dinner.
  3. Wash up the dishes after the dinner.
  4. Buy bread, milk and sugar.
  5. Start doing your homework before I come.
  6. Take the dog for a walk.
  7. Clean your room.
  8. Wait for me at home.

Упражнение 11. Tell your partner what instructions you have got from different teachers today. Use the sentences below.

Don’t be late for the lesson.

— She told us not to be late for the lesson

  1. Don’t stay outside after the bell comes.
  2. Don’t run along the corridor.
  3. Don’t make noise.
  4. Don’t look into your neighbor’s exercise-book.
  5. Don’t lie on your desk.
  6. Don’t ask me silly questions.
  7. Don’t waste time at the lesson.
  8. Listen to me attentively.
  9. Write down the rule into your exercise-books.
  10. Get down to work.

Надеюсь, вы справились с этими упражнениями по теме Косвенная речь.

Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!


Косвенная речь в английском языке. Упражнения с ответами

  1. He … me to meet his brother outside the shop.
  2. Sarah … that she wanted to take up a new hobby.
  3. «I’ll see you tomerrow,» Page … Bill.
  4. Sue … to me that she had sprained her ankle while playing football.
  5. «I’m feeling much better today,» Phoebe… .
  6. «Stop laughing at me!» Hanna … to Peter.

Answers: 1. told 2. said 3. told 4. said 5. said. 6. said.

Exercise 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Какие точные слова говорящего?

1.- Did Emma go to Sarah’s party?

— She couldn’t. She said she has to/ had to get up early the next day.

2.- Where is Tom?

— He is sleeping. He said he has/had a headache.

3. — Is Bill coming to the cinema tonight?

— Yes. He said he would/will meet us at the main entrance.

4. — Have you seen Nelly?

— Yes. She said she went/was going shopping.

5. Sandra is moving to her new flat.

— Yes. She told me she was needing/needed help.

6. Will Nina be at the gym today?

-No. She said she felt/had been feeling all all day.

Answers: 1.had to, «I had to get up early tomorrow.»2. had, «I have a headache.» 3. would, «I will meet you at the main entrance.» 4. was going, «I am going shopping.» 5. needed, «I need help moving to my new flat.» 6. had been feeling, «I have been feeling ill all day.»

Exercise 3. Напишите предложения в косвенной речи

  1. «She doesn’t know the latest news,» he said.
  2. «I can store 3 GB of music on this,» said Nick.
  3. «We have been using this software for two years,» said Troy.
  4. «I’ve always loved this song,» said Betty.
  5. «She will copy the CD for me,» Tom told Bill.
  6. «I am considering a career in showbusiness,» Ken told his sister.
  7. «I downloaded the program for you,» said Jane.
  8. «I can’t get this device to work,» said Steven.
  9. «You mustn’t press this button,» said Fran.
  10. «I was plying video games all night,» said Bob.

Answers: 1. He said that she didn’t know the latest news. 2. Nick said that he could store 3 GB of music on that. 3. Troy said that they had been using that software for two years. 4. Betty said that she had always loved that song. 5.

Tom told Bill that she would copy the CD for him. 6. Ken told his sister that he was considering a career in show business. 7. Jane said that she had downloaded the program for me. 8. Steven said he couldn’t get that device to work. 9. Fran said that I mustn’t press that button. 10.

Bob said that he had been playing video games all night.

Exercise 4. Напишите приказы в косвенной речи

  1. «Don’t forget to recharge the battery» Kate told Brian.
  2. «Remember to bring me MP3 player back,» Sam told David.
  3. «Be quite!» she told her son.
  4. «Turn your computer on,» said the teacher.
  5. «Don’t tell anyone what I said,» Elizabeth said to Jude.

Answers: 1. Kate told Brian not to forger (remember) to recharge the battery. 2. Sam told David to remember to bring her MP3 player back. 3. She told her son to be quiet. 4. The teacher told me (him, her, them) to turn my (his, her, their) computer on. 5.

 Elizabeth said to Jude not to tell anyone what she had said.

Exercise 5. Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи как в примере

«Please, don’t move your leg, Andy.»

Mr Smith asked Andy not to move his leg.

  1. «Lift your leg a bit higher.»
  2. «Turn your foot to the right, please.»
  3. «Don’t take off the bandage.»
  4. «Stand up slowly, please.»

Answers: 1. Mr Smith told Andy to lift his leg up. 2.  Mr Smith asked Andy to to turn his foot to the right. 3. Mr Smith told Andy not to take the bandage off. 4. Mr Smith asked Andy to stand up slowly.

Exercise 6. Задайте вопросы в косвенной речи как в примере

«When did you sprain your wrist?» Jane asked Sally.

Jane asked Sally when she had sprained her wrist.

  1. «Did you cut your finger while you were chopping vegetables?» Tom asked Elena.
  2. «Have you ever broken your ankle?» Peter asked Alison.
  3. «Have you got a stomach ache?»the doctor asked.

Answers: 1. Tom asked Elena if she had cut her finger while she was/had been chopping vegetables. 2. Peter asked Alison if she had ever broken her ankle. 3. The doctor asked if I had a stomach ache.

Exercise 7. Напишите предложения в косвенной речи как в примере

   I surfed for the first time last year. «It is dangerous,» my mother said but I promised to be careful. It was an amazing experience and I felt a bird! (Mark)

Mark said (that) he had surfed for the first time the previous year. His mother said (that) it was dangerous, but he promised to be careful. It was/had been an amazing experience and he felt/ had felt a bird.

  1. I am having a great time skydiving in Spain. I’ve been here for nearly a week. There was only one nasty moment when my parachute got stuck. «Why did I sign up for this?» I thought at the time. Luckily, I remembered to pull the safety parachute, which worked immediately. (Katya)
  2. I taught my friends how to do parkour last week. It was thrilling because we ran we were being chased. I am really happy because I can jump from building with me friends. (Paul)
  3. I am taking part in the Winter Olympics next year. It will be my first professional event and I am really excited. Reaching speeds of 70 mph on your board can be pretty scary at times, but I won’t stop competing until I’ve taken the gold! (Sasha).

Answers: 1. Katya said (that) she was having a great time skydiving in Spain and she had been there for nearly a week. She said there had been only one nasty moment when her parachute had got stuck. She wondered at the time why she had signed for it. She said that luckily she had remembered to pull the safety parachute, which worked immediately.

2. Paul said (that) he had taught his friends how to do parkour last week. He said (that) it had been thrilling because they had run they were being chased. He was happy because he could jump from building to building with his friends.

3. Sasha said (that) he/she was taking part in the Winter Olympics the following year. He/She said it would be his/her first professional event and that he/she was really excited. He/She explained that reaching speeds of up 70 mph on your board could be pretty sary at times, but he/she said he/she wouldn’t stop competing until he/she had taken the gold!





1. Превратите следующие предложения в косвенную речь, сделав все необходимые изменения.

Н-р:   Jack said: “ I  am working hard.” (Джэк сказал: «Я много работаю.») – Jack said (that) he was working hard. (Джэк сказал, что много работает.)

I told her: “You can join us.” (Я сказал ей: «Ты можешь присоединиться к нам.») – I told her (that) she could join us.” (Я сказал ей, что она может присоединиться к нам.)

  1. Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program”. (Фрэд сказал: «Я изобрел новую компьютерную программу.»)
  2. Mary said: “I will help my sister.” (Мэри сказала: «Я помогу своей сестре.»)
  3. They told me: “We were really happy.” (Они сказали мне: «Мы были очень  счастливы.»)
  4. She said: “I live in a big apartment.” (Она сказала: «Я живу в большой квартире.»)
  5. He told her: “I am going to the fish market.” (Он сказал ей: «Я собираюсь на рыбный рынок.»)
  6. Betty said: “I found my passport.” (Бетти сказала: «Я нашла свой паспорт.»)
  7. Mr. Ford said: “I don’t pork.” (М-р Форд сказал: «Я не люблю свинину.»)
  8. Little Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.” (Маленький Тим сказал маме: «Я хочу спать.»)

2. Преобразуйте следующие просьбы и советы в косвенную речь.

Н-р:  The doctor said: “Please take a deep breath, Ann.”(Доктор сказал: «Пожалуйста, сделай глубокий вздох, Аня.») – The doctor asked Ann to take a deep breath. (Доктор попросил Аню сделать глубокий вздох.)

Sara: “Don’t forget to buy some juice.” (Сара: «Не забудь купить немного сока.») – Sara reminded not to forget to buy some juice. (Сара напомнила не забыть купить немного сока.)

She said: “You should stop smoking so much, Mark.” (Она сказала: «Тебе следует прекратить так много курить, Марк.» — She advised Mark to stop smoking so much. (Она посоветовала Марку прекратить так много курить.)

  1. The policeman said: “Keep the silence, please.” (Полицейский сказал: «Соблюдайте тишину, пожалуйста.») – The policeman asked ……
  2. Mother said: “Kids, you should wash your hands before lunch.” (Мама сказала: «Дети, нужно помыть руки перед обедом.») – Mother advised ……
  3. The dentist told me: “Don’t eat nuts anymore.” (Дантист сказал мне: «Больше не ешь орехи.») – The dentist warned ……
  4. Tom : “Could you lend me 20 dollars, please?” (Том: «Ты не мог бы одолжить мне 20 долларов?») – Tom asked ……
  5. Mr. Walters told his sons: “You must stay away from the lake.” (М-р Уолтерс сказал сыновьям: «Вы должны держаться подальше от озера.») – Mr. Walters warned ……
  6. John said: “You should see a lawyer, Ted.” (Джон сказал: «Тебе следует посетить адвоката.») – John advised ……
  7. The teacher told the students: “Don’t talk during the test.” (Учитель сказал студентам: «Не разговаривайте во время контрольной.») – The teacher warned ……
  8. The judge said: “Mr. Brown, you must pay a big fine.” (Судья сказал: «М-р Браун, вы обязаны заплатить большой штраф.») – The judge ordered ……

3. Измените вопросы на косвенную речь.

Н-р:   “Where does your niece live?”(«Где живет твоя племянница?») – He wanted to know where the niece lived. (Он хотел знать, где живет племянница.)

“Can you type?” («Ты умеешь печатать?») – The manager asked if I could type. (Менеджер спросил, могу ли я печатать.)

  1. “Where has Jim gone?” («Куда ушел Джим?») – Maria wanted to know ……
  2. “What did the workers eat?” («Что ели рабочие?») – They asked ……
  3. «Have you ever been to China, Sam?” («Ты когда-нибудь был в Китае, Сэм?») – I asked ……
  4. “Are you French or Italian?” («Вы француз или итальянец?») – She wanted to know ……
  5. “When will the next train arrive?” («Когда прибудет следующий поезд?») – I asked ……
  6. “Do you grow flowers in your garden, Mrs. Smith?” («Вы выращиваете цветы в своем саду, миссис Смит?») – She wondered ……

4. Теперь, наоборот, измените косвенную речь на прямую.

Н-р:   Peter asked me if I was free. (Питер спросил меня, свободен ли я.) – Peter asked: “Are you free?”

She wanted to know where I had bought the dictionary. (Она хотела узнать, где я купила словарь.) – She asked: “Where did you buy the dictionary?”

  1. I asked him why he was tired. (Я спросил его, почему он устал.)
  2. We wanted to know if Kate had broken the car. (Мы хотели узнать, сломала ли Кейт машину.)
  3. He asked if they could meet on Tuesday. (Он спросил, могут ли они встретиться во вторник.)
  4. I wondered how often she used the washing-machine. (Я поинтересовалась, как часто она пользуется стиральной машиной.)
  5. Mother wanted to know if we would invite Kevin to the party. (Мама хотела знать, пригласим ли мы Кевина на вечеринку.)


  1. Fred said (that) he had invented a new computer program.
  2. Mary said (that) she would help her sister.
  3. They told me (that) they had been really happy.
  4. She said (that) she lived in a big apartment.
  5. He told her (that) he was going to the fish market.
  6. Betty said (that) she had found her passport.
  7. Mr. Ford said (that) he didn’t pork.
  8. Little Tim told his mother (that) he was sleepy.


  1. The policeman asked to keep the silence.
  2. Mother advised the kids to wash their hands before lunch.
  3. The dentist warned me not to eat nuts anymore.
  4. Tom asked to lend him 20 dollars.
  5. Mr. Walters warned his sons to stay away from the lake.
  6. John advised Ted to see a lawyer.
  7. The teacher warned the students not to talk during the test.
  8. The judge ordered Mr. Brown to pay a big fine.


  1. Maria wanted to know where Jim had gone.
  2. They asked what the workers had eaten.
  3. I asked Sam if he had ever been to China.
  4. She wanted to know if he was French or Italian.
  5. I asked when the next train would arrive.
  6. She wondered if Mrs. Smith grew flowers in her garden.


  1. I asked: “Why are you tired?”
  2. We asked: “Have you broken the car, Kate?”
  3. He asked: “Can we/they meet on Tuesday?”
  4. I asked: “How often do you use the washing-machine?”
  5. Mother asked: “Will you invite Kevin to the party?”

Упражнения «Косвенная речь» (с ответами) — 4.7 5 363 votes

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Reported Speech. Упражнения (уровень 3 advanced)

Мы подошли к концу изучения такой важной темы как косвенная речь (Reported Speech). Обойтись без косвенной речи никак невозможно, так же как невозможно изучать английский, не пересказывая тексты.

Делайте это как можно чаще, не забывая о согласовании времен, и вы улучшите разговорные навыки автоматически. В заключение, предлагаем выполнить упражнения на косвенную речь в английском языке на уровне advanced для продолжающих.

Некоторые упражнения взяты из учебника: Макарова Е.В., Пархамович Т.В., Ухванова И.Ф. Английский язык. Интенсивный курс

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Перевод предложений в косвенную речь (повторение)

Упражнение 1. Переведите повествовательные предложения в косвенную речь.

  1. I The secretary has said, «The press conference is taking place now in the main hall».
  2. My brother has said, «Aunt Sally will come on Monday.»
  3. The students have said, «We had two tests last week.»
  4. Her daughter said, «I am not listening to music now.»
  5. My friend said, «I have visited all these places,»
  6. Tom said, «‘I am a first year student now.»
  7. She said, «I have not been speaking to him since yesterday.»
  8. Susan said, «I was in the library two days ago.»
  9. The boy said, «I was not watching TV in my home at 8 o’clock.»
  10. The teacher said, «They have been writing since early morning».
  11. He said, «I will visit you next Friday.»
  12. She said, «I will be leaving my home at 10 o’clock tonight»

* * *

Упражнение 2. Переведите общие вопросы в косвенную речь.

  1. John asked, «Has anybody seen the film?»
  2. He asked, «Are you listening to music now?»
  3. She asked, «Have you been working hard on this problem?»
  4. She asked, «Were you in the library yesterday?»
  5. He asks, «Does she work now?»
  6. He asks, «Has she been reading this book since Monday?»
  7. Jane asked, «Can anybody tell me what you have been discussing all the time?»
  8. He asked, «Will you be at Nick and Carol’s party tonight?»

* * *

Упражнение 3. Переведите специальные вопросы в косвенную речь.

  1. Where is he going? (He didn’t tell anybody..)
  2. Where has he gone? (Did you know…)
  3. Where is he? (Did you know…)
  4. When is he leaving school? (I wanted to know…)
  5. Where does he live? (Nobody knew…)
  6. When will he come back? (She asked them…)
  7. Where did she buy this hat? (He wanted to know…)
  8. How much did she pay for it? (I had no idea…)

* * *

Упражнение 4. Переведите повелительные предложения в косвенную речь.

  1. The army captain said, «Don’t shoot!»
  2. The police officer said, «Put your hands over your head!»
  3. The flight attendant said, «Fasten your seat belts!»
  4. The teacher said, «Don’t use your dictionaries!»
  5. The doctor said, «Take this medicine three times a day.»
  6. The firefighter said, «Don’t go near the house, it is dangerous!»

* * *

Упражнение 5.Найдите ошибки в предложении.

  1. The instructor asked me if I can swim and I said I can.
  2. He said me that he had been waiting for me here.
  3. She asked me where I had lived two years ago.
  4. Mr. Grey told that he missed his hometown.
  5. The parking attendant directed to park our car on the left.
  6. The man asked the boy to tell him what is the time.
  7. He wanted to know why Bob is missing a class today.
  8. He asked me if Ted had been sick yesterday.

* * *

Упражнение 6. Прочитайте диалог.

A.: Excuse me? В.: Yes…A.: This chicken is underdone.В.: What do you mean?A.: It’s not cooked.В.: Yes, it is.A.: No, it isn’t.В.: Look, that’s how we always serve it.A.: Well, I don’t want it. And I won’t pay.В.: You’ll pay whether you eat it or not.A.: In that case, I want to see the manager.

В.: I’m the manager.

Используя косвенную речь, расскажите о ситуации. Напри­мер, начните так:
«I ordered the chicken. It wasn’t properly cooked. I told the waiter…»

* * *

Упражнение 7. Прочитайте текст и перепишите его, используя прямую речь.

The waiter recommended the fish. When it arrived, it was in­edible. I summoned the waiter and complained that the fish was un­cooked. He appologized and offered to replace it. I told him that I wasn’t hungry, and requested the bill… .

* * *

Упражнения на Reported Speech (advanced)

Упражнение 8.  Переведите предложения ниже в косвенную речь, используя глаголы:ask, beg, congratulate, thank, insist, offer, object, refuse, invite, suggest, complain, remark.

1.“Please, please, do as I say”, I said.

2. Peter, “I will pay.”Alec, “Oh, no you mustn’t”.

Peter, “I insist on paying”

3.“Hurray, I’ve passed my exam!”
“Congratulations”, — I said.

4.“Many happy returns of the day”, we said.
“Thank you,” said the boy.

5.“Let us wait here till the rain stops,” I said.

6.“Oh, I’ve hit my thumb with the hammer!” Peter cried.

7.“Have an apple,” Mary said.  – “No, thanks,” I replied.

8.“What about going for a walk?” he said. – “It’s quite fine now.”

* * *

Упражнение 9.  Переделайте предложения с прямой речью в предложения с косвенной речью, используя глаголы: advise, remind, warn, invite, ask, encourage.

  1. R u t h: Don’t forget to post the letter, Bruno.
  2. R i с h a r d: Carolina, I think you should see a doctor.
  3. К a t h y: Olivia, please do the dishes.
  4. R u t h: Patrice, would you and Manny to come to din­ner?
  5. M a r i a: Roger, close the door, please.
  6. M о t h e r: Ben, don’t touch the heater.
  7. M i k e: Vicki, why don’t you run in the marathon?
  8. Be careful! Don’t sit down, that paint is wet.

* * *

 Упражнение 10.  Прочитайте совет врача и переведите его на английский язык.

Медсестра спросила меня, ожидаю ли я доктора Грея, и пригласила меня к нему в кабинет (surgery).

Доктор Грей улыбнулся мне и спросил, что меня беспокоит. Я сказал, что ужасно переутомлен (be run down). Он спросил меня, поздно ли я ложусь спать (stay up late), и я сказал, что нет. Он поинтересовался, почему я не соблюдаю нормальный режим (keep regular hours), и я объяснил, что почти каждый вечер я встречаюсь с друзьями.

Доктор захотел узнать, как я провожу время, и я сказал, что в основном (mostly) я хожу на вечеринки. Доктор спросил меня, удается ли (have the chance) мне отдохнуть (to recover) в выходные дни, но я вынужден был признать (admit), что в выходные дни наши вечеринки длятся всю ночь.

Он спросил меня, курю ли я, и когда я сказал, что курю, доктор спросил меня, сколько сигарет в день я выкуриваю. Он был поражен, когда услышал мой ответ.

Тогда врач спросил меня, занимаюсь (take) ли я гимнастикой для поддержания своего здоровья (to keep fit). Я ответил, что для этого у меня нет времени.

«Вы поджигаете свечу (burn the candle) с обоих концов,»- сказал доктор Грей и добавил: «но я завидую вам, что вы так весело проводите время.»

* * *

Упражнение 11. Передайте в косвенной речи цитаты известных людей. Запомните три из них.

1. “I can’t resist anything but temptation. ” (Oscar Wilde) Oscar Wilde said that…

2. “It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are the most important”(Conan Doyle) Conan Doyle said that …

3. “The world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be happy as kings”. (Robert Stevenson) Robert Stevenson wrote that…

4. “Always do what you are afraid to do” (Ralf Emerson, American poet and essayist) Ralf Emerson wanted us….

5. “Never take anything for granted”. (Benjamin Disraeli) Benjamin Disraeli asked us….

6.“If a man doesn’t make new friends as he advanced through life – he will soon find himself alone. A man should keep his friendship in constant repair.” (Samuel Johnson, English writer) Samuel Johnson warned us that…

7. “If  you want to be successful, you must look successful. ”(Thomas Moore, Irish poet) Thomas Moore said if…

8. “Don’t anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.”(Benjamin Franklin) Benjamin Franklin advised us…

9. “Every man has three characters: that which he exhibits, that which he has and that which he thinks he has. ” (Karr) Karr thought that…

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Упражнение 12. Перепишите  шутку в прямой речи.

One day, when Jack the Patient came home from work he found his wife very annoyed about something.

  1. He asked what the matter was.
  2. And she answered that she had been annoyed by a bee.
  3. Jack the Patient continued that he had always been more sensible than his wife so he was going to give her a lecture at the moment.
  4. He added that he would prove to her the impor­tance of always remaining calm.
  5. He said it was a waste of time and strength to get excited about small things.
  6. He told her to train herself to be patient him.
  7. He asked her to look at the fly that had just landed on his nose.
  8. He asked if he was getting excited or annoyed, if he was swearing or waving his arms around.
  9. He explained that he wasn’t, he was perfectly calm. Just as he had said that Jack the Patient started shouting. He jumped up and began to wave his arms around wildly and swear terribly.
  10. His wife got surprised and asked what had made him so excited. He couldn’t say a word for some time. But at last he was able to tell his wife that the thing on his nose hadn’t been a fly, it had been a bee!

* * *

Упражнение 13. Перепишите шутки в косвенной речи, не забывая про подчеркнутые слова.


— Mummy, why is it cold today?— It is winter now. It’s always cold in winter.— But why is it always cold in winter?— Oh, Susan, I didn’t ask my mother so many questions.

— Now I understand why you can’t answer my questions!

Susan asked her mother …. Her mother answered …. Susan repeated the question …. Susan’s mother got angry and exclaimed that…. Susan came to the conclusion that….


— Daddy, can you write in the dark?— Of course, I can.

— Then turn off the light and sign my report card (дневник), please.

Susan wondered …. Her father answered …. Then she asked him to ….


The client: It’s the most terrible fish I’ve ev­er eaten. Bring me the fish I ate in this restaurant last week.
The waiter: Sorry, sir, but it’s the same fish.


Вill: I broke off my engagement to Mary two months ago.
Tom: But why? Have you told her about your rich uncle?
Bill: Yes, I have. She’s my aunt now.


Teасher: Why are you late this morning, Jack?»
Jack: I pressed the toothpaste so hard that it took me half an hour to get the paste back into the tube.


Вill: I saw the doctor last Monday about my loss of memory.Tom: What did he do?

Bill: He made me pay in advance.


Kate: What did you hear at the opera yesterday?
Jane: All sorts of things: Oleg is going to Lon­don next month, Boris passed his exam last week, Ann took the first place in the literature Olympiad two days ago.


The tourist: Are you sure there are no croco­diles here?
The guide: Yes, I am. We haven’t found any crocodiles here.
The tourist: I think I can have a swim in this river tomorrow. And what makes you think there are no crocodiles in this place?
The guide: They are afraid of the sharks.


Mrs Worry: Does your son smoke?Mrs Calm: No, he doesn’t.Mrs Worry: Does he go out late?

Mrs Calm: No, he doesn’t. He went to bed after dinner yesterday.

Mrs Worry: What is he doing now?Mrs Calm: He is watching cartoons.MrsWorry: Oh, he is an ideal son. How old is he?

Mrs Calm: Three years today.


Mr Green:  Last month a grain of sand got into my wife’s eye and she had to go to a doctor. I had to pay two hun­dred dollars for it.
Mr White: That’s nothing, last week a fur coat got into my wife’s eye and I had to pay two thousand dollars for it.

В заключение, устный тренинг по теме «косвенная речь в английском языке. reported speech (advanced)»

Упражненеие 14. Переведите предложения, запомните свой ответ и проверьте себя.

  1. Он говорит, что Мэри сделает это. ПРОВЕРИТЬ
  2. Он только что сказал мне, что урок начался. ПРОВЕРИТЬ
  3. Он сказал мне, что урок начался. ПРОВЕРИТЬ
  4. Мой брат только что сказал, что он придет в 5 часов. ПРОВЕРИТЬ
  5. Он сказал, что он встает в 8 часов. ПРОВЕРИТЬ
  6. Он сказал, что делегация уезжает в конце недели. ПРОВЕРИТЬ
  7. Он сказал, что напишет письмо в тот же день. ПРОВЕРИТЬ
  8. Он спросил меня, где я живу. ПРОВЕРИТЬ
  9. Он спросил меня, когда они вышлют документы. ПРОВЕРИТЬ
  10. Он спросил меня, получил ли я его телеграмму. ПРОВЕРИТЬ
  11. Он попросил ее дать ему стакан воды. ПРОВЕРИТЬ
  12. Она сказала ему прийти в 5 часов. ПРОВЕРИТЬ


  1. Не says (that) Mary will do it.
  2. He has just told me that the lesson has begun.
  3. He told me that the lesson had begun.
  4. My brother has just said that he will come at 5 o’clock
  5. Не said that he got up at 8 o’clock.
  6. He said that the delegation would leave at the end of the week.
  7. Не said that he would write the letter that day.
  8. Не asked me where I lived.
  9. Не asked me when they would send the documents.
  10. Не asked me if (whether) I had received his telegram.
  11. He asked her to give him a glass of water.
  12. She told him to come at 5 o’clock.

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