Комплекс упражнений по теме Past Simple and Past Continuous

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Комплекс упражнений на тему

Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple


учитель английского языка

Гордеева Наталья Филипповна



Simple= Indefinite (Простое)


Спутники: Спутники: Спутники:

-yesterday — every day (week,…) — tomorrow

-the day before yesterday — usually — next week(year,…)

-a week ago — often — in a week,(a month,…)

-last winter(week,…) — sometimes

— always

Форма: Форма: Форма:

— V ed V, Vs will V

— 2-й столбик таблицы

неправильных глаголов

— was, were am, is, are will be

Вспомогательный глагол Вспомогательный глагол Вспомогательный глагол

Did Do \ does Will

Отрицание Отрицание Отрицание

didn’t +V don’t+V will not (won’t)+ V

doesn’t + V

— wasn’t, weren’t am not, isn’t, aren’t will not be

**** V= Verb -глагол

Если в предложении есть глагол

Present Simple.

They clean their teeth every day.

? Do they clean their teeth every day?

He cleans his teeth every day.

? Does he clean his teeth every day?

Past Simple.

They cleaned their teeth yesterday. (правильный глагол)

? Did they clean their teeth yesterday?

They wrote letters a week ago. (неправильный глагол)

? Did they write letters a week ago?

Future Simple.

They will clean their teeth tomorrow.

? Will they clean their teeth tomorrow?

Если в предложении нет глагола



I am at school now. He is at school now. They are at school now.

? Am I at school now? ? Is he at school now? ? Are they at school now?

— I am not at school now. — He isn’t at school now. — They aren’t at school now.


(ед.ч) (ед.ч) (мн.ч)

I was at school yesterday. He was at school yesterday. They were at school yesterday.

? Was I at school yesterday? ? Was he at school yesterday? ? Were they at school yesterday?

— I was not at school yesterday. — He wasn’t at school yesterday. — They weren’t at school yesterday.


They will be at school tomorrow.

? Will they be at school tomorrow?

Задание1. Oбразовать вопросительную и отрицательную формы из данных предложений:

  1. We read books every week.

? _________________________________________


  1. He plays computer games every Sunday.

? _________________________________________


  1. We drank coffee yesterday.

? _________________________________________


? _________________________________________


  1. Bob will write a letter tomorrow.

? _________________________________________


? _________________________________________


  1. My mum was sad yesterday.

? _________________________________________


  1. We were at the zoo last week.

? _________________________________________


  1. She will be with her friend tomorrow.

? _________________________________________


Задание 2. Раскрыть скобки:

  1. He ______________(to clean) his teeth every day.

  2. We ______________(to play) snowballs last winter.

  3. Tom ______________(to get) a letter yesterday.

  4. Mary______________(to read) a new book next week.

  5. I often ______________( to visit) my friend in Moscow.

  6. Helen usually __________( to do) her homework at 7 pm.

  7. Tomorrow my mother ______________(to buy) a new dress.

  8. Five months ago I ____________(to swim) in the river.

  9. Yesterday he ____________(to be) at the zoo.

  10. Next summer he ____________(to be) at the zoo.

  11. Now he ____________(to be)at the zoo.

  12. ____we _____( to go) to the park tomorrow?

  13. _____he ___________visit his granny yesterday?

  14. ______you ____(to play) computer games every day?

  15. ______he_____(to play) computer games every day?

  16. Tomorrow they______________(not be) at school.

  17. I_______________(not to watch ) TV yesterday.

  18. Tim _________________(not to drink) hot milk every day.

  19. We ________________(not to visit) friends every Sunday.

  20. I________________(not to be) at the park now.

  21. Boris _____________(not to be) at home now.

  22. I and my friend _____________(not to be)at the zoo a week ago.


Задание1. Oбразовать вопросительную и отрицательную формы из данных предложений:

  1. We read books every week.

? Do we read books every week?

— We don’t read books every week.

  1. He plays computer games every Sunday.

? Does he play computer games every Sunday?

— He doesn’t play computer games every Sunday.

  1. We drank coffee yesterday.

? Did we drink coffee yesterday?

-We didn’t drink coffee yesterday.

? Did he skate last winter?

— He didn’t skate last winter.

  1. Bob will write a letter tomorrow.

? Will Bob write a letter tomorrow?

— Bob won’t write a letter tomorrow.

? Are they happy?

-They aren’t happy.

  1. My mum was sad yesterday.

? Was my mum sad yesterday?

-My mum wasn’t sad yesterday.

  1. We were at the zoo last week.

? Were we at the zoo last week?

-We weren’t at the zoo last week.

  1. She will be with her friend tomorrow.

? She will be with her friend tomorrow.

-She will be with her friend tomorrow.

Задание 2. Раскрыть скобки:

  1. cleans

  2. played

  3. got

  4. will read

  5. visit

  6. does

  7. will buy

  8. swam

  9. was

  10. will be

  11. is

  12. Will we go

  13. Did he visit

  14. Do you play

  15. Does he play

  16. won’t be

  17. didn’t watch

  18. doesn’t drink

  19. don’t visit

  20. am not

  21. isn’t

  22. weren’t

Список используемой литературы:

  1. Баранов К.М., Дули Д, Копылова В.В. УМК “Starlight”, 4 класс, М: « Просвещение», 2013

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Ещё документы из категории английский язык:


Past simple and Past Continuous

По­го­во­рим се­год­ня о про­шед­ших и дли­тель­ных про­шед­ших со­бы­ти­ях, то есть о таких вре­ме­нах, как the Past Simple и the Past Continuous Tenses.

What did you do last weekend?

I visited my brother in London last weekend. We were talking when his wife came home.​His wife cooked a wonderful dinner at eight o’clock in the evening. We were having dinner when we decided to go to the London Eye. Did you go there? 

Что ты делал на про­шлых вы­ход­ных?

Я на­ве­стил сво­е­го брата в Лон­доне на про­шлых вы­ход­ных. Мы раз­го­ва­ри­ва­ли, когда его жена при­ш­ла домой. Его жена при­го­то­ви­ла ве­ли­ко­леп­ный ужин в во­семь часов ве­че­ра. Мы ужи­на­ли, когда ре­ши­ли по­ка­тать­ся на ко­ле­се обо­зре­ния (the London Eye). Ты был там?

В при­ме­ре мы ис­поль­зо­ва­ли два ос­нов­ных про­шед­ших вре­ме­ни – the Past Simple и the Past Continuous. Эти два вре­ме­ни от­ли­ча­ют­ся друг от друга. Слу­шай­те, чи­тай­те и сле­дуй­те пра­ви­лам.

 Употребление Past Simple

The Past Simple ис­поль­зу­ет­ся, когда мы го­во­рим о со­бы­тии, ко­то­рое про­изо­шло в ка­кой-то мо­мент в про­шлом. На­при­мер:

I visited my brother in London last weekend. (Я на­ве­стил брата в Лон­доне на про­шлых вы­ход­ных.)

She cooked a wonderful dinner at eight o’clock in the evening. (Она при­го­то­ви­ла ве­ли­ко­леп­ный ужин в во­семь часов ве­че­ра.)

 Употребление Past Continuous

The Past Continuous обыч­но ис­поль­зу­ет­ся, когда мы хотим под­черк­нуть про­дол­жи­тель­ность дей­ствия. На­при­мер:

They were talking when she arrived. (Они раз­го­ва­ри­ва­ли, когда она при­ш­ла.)

When we were having dinner we decided to go to the London Eye. (Когда мы ужи­на­ли, мы ре­ши­ли по­ка­тать­ся на ко­ле­се обо­зре­ния (the London Eye).

The Past Continuous также ис­поль­зу­ет­ся, чтобы под­черк­нуть то, что про­ис­хо­ди­ло в опре­де­лен­ный мо­мент в про­шлом. На­при­мер:

I was attending my English class at 2.30 yesterday afternoon. (Я за­ни­мал­ся ан­глий­ским в 2.30 вчера днём).

Alice was preparing a Power Point project at six yesterday evening. (Алиса го­то­ви­ла пре­зен­та­цию в Power Point в шесть ве­че­ра вчера.)

 Образование Past Simple

The Past Simple об­ра­зу­ет­ся сле­ду­ю­щим об­ра­зом:

Утвер­ди­тель­ная форма:

I went to the London Eye in the evening.

He decided to go to the London Eye.

От­ри­ца­тель­ная форма:

We didn’t go to London last weekend.

Во­про­си­тель­ная форма (рис. 1):

Рис. 1. Об­ра­зо­ва­ние во­про­са в Past Simple

Why did you go to London last weekend? – По­че­му ты ездил в Лон­дон на про­шлых вы­ход­ных?

Did you go to London last weekend? – Ты ездил в Лон­дон на про­шлых вы­ход­ных?

Рис. 2. Срав­ни­тель­ная ха­рак­те­ри­сти­ка Past Simple и Past Continuous

Если необ­хо­ди­мо по­ка­зать, что новое дей­ствие имеет место в се­ре­дине дру­го­го, ис­поль­зу­ют­ся оба вре­ме­ни:

Past Simple ука­зы­ва­ет на факт по­яв­ле­ния но­во­го со­бы­тия, Past Continuous  — на факт его про­дол­жи­тель­но­сти.

Рис. 3. Срав­ни­тель­ная ха­рак­те­ри­сти­ка Past Simple и Past Continuous

Рис. 4. Срав­ни­тель­ная ха­рак­те­ри­сти­ка Past Simple и Past Continuous

Рис. 5. Гла­го­лы, упо­треб­ля­е­мые толь­ко в Past Simple

Рис. 6. Клю­че­вые слова вре­мен

 Стих о правильных и неправильных глаголах

Про­чи­та­ем сти­хо­тво­ре­ние о пра­виль­ных и непра­виль­ных гла­го­лах:

Our friend Ed doesn’t speak, except after T!

Started, wanted, planted Ed.

Our friend Ed doesn’t speak, except after T!

Played, listened, watched Ed.

Our friend Ed has some friends, who don’t fit in.

Go-went, buy-bought,

Pup-put, think-thought.

What can we do? Learn those verbs!

Рис. 7. Пра­ви­ло до­бав­ле­ния окон­ча­ния ed

Рис. 8. Пра­ви­ло до­бав­ле­ния окон­ча­ния ing

 Образование Past Continuous

Рас­смот­рим the Past Continuous Tense.

Об­ра­зу­ет­ся оно сле­ду­ю­щим об­ра­зом:

be+verb+ -ing 

Во­про­си­тель­ная (рис. 8):

Рис. 9. Об­ра­зо­ва­ние во­про­са в Past Continuous

What were you doing at seven o’clock yesterday?

What was he doing at seven o’clock yesterday?

 Упражнение 1

Про­чи­тай­те и со­еди­ни­те части пред­ло­же­ний:

1. They arrived early while I a) she was driving too fast
2. Paul cooked dinner while we b) was still sleeping
3. The door bell rang c) were having tea in the garden
4. She had a car accident because d) was standing outside the church
5. We took a lot of photos while the bride e) while I was watching the cartoons

От­ве­ты: 1b, 2c, 3e,4a, 5d

 Упражнение 2

Рас­пре­де­ли­те пред­ло­же­ния по пра­виль­ным ко­лон­кам (рис. 10)

Рис. 10. За­да­ние к упраж­не­нию 2

От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию 2:

Past Simple Past Continuous
She wrote six poems I was sleeping.
Last night Mike cooked dinner. We were having a drink.
They took a lot of pictures. I was watching TV.
He was driving too fast.

 Упражнение 3

Рас­крой­те скоб­ки в пра­виль­ном вре­ме­ни (рис. 11)

Рис. 11. За­да­ние к упраж­не­нию 3

От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию 3:

Рис. 12. От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию 3


This is the tale of Mister Morton

Mister Morton is who?

He is the subject of our tale

And the predicate tells what Mister

Morton must do

Mister Morton walked down the street

Mister Morton walked

Mister Morton talked to his cat

Mister Morton talked

(Hello, cat. You look good.)

Mister Morton was lonely

Mister Morton was

Mister Morton is the subject of the

Sentence, and what the predicate says,

He does

Mister Morton knew just one girl

Mister Morton knew

Mister Morton grew flowers for Pearl

Mister Morton grew

Mister Morton was very shy

Mister Morton was

Mister Morton is the subject of the

Sentence, and what the predicate says,

He does

The subject is a noun,

That's a person, place or thing

It's who or what the sentence is about

And the predicate is the verb

That's the action word

That gets the subject up and out

Mister Morton wrote Pearl a poem

Mister Morton wrote

Pearl replied in the afternoon

Pearl replied by a note

Mister Morton was very nervous

Mister Morton was

Mister Morton is the subject of the

Sentence, and what the predicate says,

He does!

The cat stretched,

The sun beat down,

A neighbor chased his kid.

(Come here kid – come on!)

Each sentence is completed when

You know what the subject did.

Mister Morton knocked on her door

Mister Morton knocked

Mister Morton sat on her porch

Yes, he just sat there and rocked.

Mister Morton was a nervous man;

When she opened up the door he ran.

Mister Morton climbed up his stairs

Mister Morton climbed

Mister Morton rhymed pretty words

Mister Morton rhymed

Mister Morton was lonely

Mister Morton was

Until Pearl showed up with a single rose.

Who says women can't propose?

Now Mister Morton is happy

And Pearl and the cat are too

They're the subjects of the sentence

And what the predicate says, they do

Вопросы к конспектам

Рас­крой­те скоб­ки, ис­поль­зуя Past Simple или Past Continuous.

Bob _________________ his homework. (not understand)

The police _________________ the criminal while he _________________. (arrest, shout)

I _________________ jam when the postman _________________. (cook, come)

She _________________ the window when her neighbour _________________ ‘Hello’. (open, say)

As they _________________ for the bus, it _________________ to rain. (wait, start)

While we ______________________ the Christmas tree, we ____________to Christmas carols. (decorate, listen)

We _________________ in Monaco 5 years ago. (live)


Past simple + Past continuous | Exercises | PDF

What you can find on this page:

Past simple and past continuous exercises

See also PDF exercises below.

Online exercises:

Past simple exercises

  1. Complete an e-mail.
  2. Positive and negative.
  3. Complete a story (negative forms).
  4. Multiple choice (questions).
  5. Make questions.

Past continuous Make sentences about the Thompson family.

Past simple vs past continuous:

Exercise 1 choose correct answers

Exercise 2 complete the story (James and the dog — part 1)

Exercise 3 rewrite sentences

Exercise 4 correct mistakes


Exercise 5 make the policeman's questions (James and the dog — part 2)


Exercise 6 make negative forms

Regular and irregular verbs:

Exercise 7 | Exercise 8 | Exercise 9

PDF exercises:

Past simple exercises PDF

Past continuous exercises PDF

Past simple + past continuous exercises PDF

Past simple vs Past perfect exercises PDF

Past simple vs Present perfect exercises PDF

Mixed tenses exercises PDF

Pdf grammar rules:

See also online grammar rules with examples below.

Past simple tense

There are two types of English verbs in the past simple — regular and irregular verbs. They have different forms for positive statements (regular verbs: I play — I played, irregular verbs: I go — I went), but questions and negatives are made in the same way.

Positive statement: I worked, He worked, I draw — He drew
Negative statement: I did not work (I didn't work), He did not work (He didn't work), I did not draw (I didn't draw), He did not draw (He didn't draw)
Question form: Did you work? Did you draw?
Negative question: Did you not work? (Didn't you work?) Did you not draw? (Didn't you draw)
See also how to make the past simple in the passive voice.

Regular verbs usually end in -ed. This ending is the same for all persons, singular and plural.

The auxiliary verb did is not used with «to be» (Were you a student? He was not happy.), in a specific type of wh- questions and modal verbs.

We do not use the auxiliary did to make indirect questions and reported questions either.

The negative question normally expresses a surprise.
Didn't you know it?


1. We use this form for activities or situations that were completed at a definite time.

a) The time can be given in the sentence:
I came home at 6 o'clock. When he was a child, he didn't live in a house.

b) The time is asked about:
When did they get married?

c) The time is not given in the sentence, but it is clear from a context that the action or situation was finished.
He is 20 years old. He was born in Canada.
Alan: I've been to Iceland. — Greg: Did you enjoy it?

2. We use it for repeated activities.
We walked to school every day. — And did you ever go by bus?

3. The past simple is used in stories to describe events that follow each other.
Charles entered the hall and looked around. He took off his coat and put it on a chair. He was at home.

Past continuous tense

Positive statement: I was sleeping, You were sleeping
Negative statement: I was not sleeping (I wasn't …. ), You were not sleeping (You weren't …. )
Question: Were you sleeping? Was he sleeping?

question: Were you not sleeping? (Weren't you …. ?) Was he not working? (Wasn't he …. ?)
The past continuous is formed with the past tense of the verb to be and the present participle (-ing form).

See also how to make the past continuous in the passive voice.


We use this tense for activities or situations that were not completed.
From 10 to 12 I was washing my car. I was in the garage. (I did not finish my work. It was in progress. I started before 10 and finished after 12.

The sun was setting. The beach was changing its colours. (The sun was still in the sky when I was watching it.)Compare this sentence with completed actions:

From 10 to 12 I washed my car. (I finished my work.

(I started at 10 and finished at 12.)

Finally, the sun set. It was dark and we did not see the beach anymore. (The sun completely disappeared.)We use the past continuous for uninterrupted activities or situations. If the action is interrupted (it is not continuous — something is done in more intervals or we did more things one after another), we use the simple.

Tom was watching TV on Sunday. x Tom watched TV in the morning and in the evening.
Yesterday I was working in the garden. x Yesterday I worked in the garden and on my house.

It is typically used:

1. To express the idea that an action in the past continuous started before the action expressed by the past simple and continued after it.
When she saw me, I was looking at the trees.

(These two actions happened at the same time. I was looking at the trees for some time and she saw me in the middle of it.)Compare:

When she saw me, I looked at the trees. (These two actions happened one after another.

First she saw me and then I looked at the trees.)

2. With a point in time to describe an action that started before that time and continued after it.
At 8 o'clock Jane was doing her homework. (At 8 o'clock she was in the middle of the activity. She did not finish it.)Compare:

At 8 o'clock Jane did her homework. (She started the activity at 8 o'clock and finished it.)

3. It is used to describe a situation, while the simple is used to express actions in stories.
The sun was shining. Jack and Jill were lying on the beach. Jack was reading a book and Jill was sleeping. All of a sudden, Jack raised his head. Jill woke up. Something happened.

4. It describes an activity which was not finished in contrast with the simple past, which describes a completed activity.
I was reading a book yesterday. And today I am going to continue.
I read the book yesterday. I can lend it to you now.

5. It can be used to show a more casual action, the simple is for a deliberate action:
I was talking to my neighbour yesterday. We had a nice chat. (I did not do it on purpose. We just met in the street.)
I talked to my neighbour yesterday. And he promised to help me. (I did it on purpose. I needed to ask him for help.)



Как не умереть со скуки, делая упражнения. Past Simple и Past Continuous

Как делать упражнения по грамматике и не умереть со скуки?

Задания и упражнения на уроке бывают разные. Ролевые и грамматические игры, дискуссии, презентации, фильмы, аудио и много других креативных штук.

И, конечно, традиционные упражнения. Заполнить пропуски, подобрать нужную форму глагола, раскрыть скобки и прочие «захватывающие» задания. Чаще всего такие упражнения дают на дом, но иногда их нужно сделать на уроке.

Единственная печалька проблема с такими упражнениями (хоть дома, хоть на уроке), что они часто выполняются механически. И так же механически проверяются. А в голове в итоге – пусто. Ну ладно, может быть, и не пусто. Но и не густо))

И раз уж таких упражнений практически не избежать – польза-то от них все же есть! – надо их как-то обыграть и заставить работать на себя.

Сегодня покажу один такой способ небанально сделать и проверить грамматическое упражнение (Past Simple и Past Continuous).

Упражнение на Past Simple и Past Continuous

Есть в учебнике English File Pre-Intermediate (3rd Edition) упражнение на Past Simple и Past Continuous:

Задание предельно простое: поставить глагол в скобках в правильную форму – Past Simple или Past Continuous.

На всякий случай напомню:

Past Continuous. Примеры из фильмов

Примерно как в этих отрывках из фильмов:



Was he?..


He was levitating.

Cool! So one thing we know for sure is, he was NOT levitating.

He was floating. Six inches off the bed.

…without all the ‘I’m in labor’ drama.

Oh, there was plenty of drama!

My water broke while I was standing in front of a restaurant.

Wow, that’s very dramatic!

Wait, wait, she’s not done.

It broke while I was talking to Big.


Ну так вот. Вернемся к упражнению на Past Simple и Past Continuous. Если хотите себя проверить, вернитесь и сделайте упражнение. А потом проверьте:

И вот теперь начинается самое интересное.

Всю эту историю мы… нарисуем! Такая наскальная живопись хороша тем, что она:

И вот мы рисуем все события этой истории – одно за другим – и проговариваем.

Игра «Снежный ком»/Snowball

Теперь нам пригодится другой отвлекающий маневр известный в методике прием – Snowball или «снежный ком».

Первый участник нарисовал одно событие – проговорил:

When Alex Jones arrived at     JFK International airport… помним, что предложение не заканчивается, а значит, в конце фразы голос идет наверх

Второй участник повторил, нарисовал второе событие, озвучил:

When Alex Jones arrived at      JFK International airport, she looked around… и опять предложение не заканчивается

Третий ученик повторил первое событие, второе событие, нарисовал и проговорил третье:

When Alex Jones arrived at JFK International airport, she looked around, but she didn’t see anybody there to meet her.   ставим интонацией торжествующую точку)))

И так пока не закончится история. С каждой новой фразой «снежный ком» растет все больше и больше. К концу участникам приходится повторять почти всю историю с самого начала.

Snowball прекрасен тем, что за счет многократных повторений:

И вот что получилось из этого упражнения на Past Simple  и Past Continuous:

Под конец  нам всем дружно стало лень рисовать, поэтому весь конец истории – в одной, последней картинке))

Еще мы добавили узелки на память – слова-связки. И вуаля, упражнение на Past Simple и Past Continuous превратилось в мультик.

А это уже гораздо веселее)) Ну и, конечно, один раз проделать это упражнение гораздо интереснее (и сложнее!), чем прочитать об этом.

А потом, я, пользуясь служебным положением тем, что за годы работы знаю этот (и многие другие) текст наизусть, рассказываю историю по картинкам и засекаю время по секундомеру. Обычно получается 50 секунд.

И даю ученикам домашнее задание – научиться рассказывать историю по картинкам меньше, чем за одну минуту. А это – тренировка беглой речи со всеми ее особенностями произношения.


Упражнения Past Simple и Past Continuous с ответами

Сегодняшний материал посвящен отработке двух прошедших времен – Past Simple и Past Continuous.   

Если Вы забыли, что это за времена, повторить можно здесь:

На сайте также есть упражнения отдельно по каждому из данных времен:

Готовы? Давайте приступать.

Past Simple vs. Past Continuous Exercises

Упражнение 1.  Choose the correct verb form (Past Simple or Past Continuous) to complete the sentences.

  1. The film was rubbish, so we left / were leaving the cinema and went / were going to the cybercafé.
  2. I didn’t / wasn’t liking the program we watched / were watching, so I turned / was turning off the TV.
  3. Dave rang / was ringing me while I did / was doing my homework.
  4. As I fell / was falling asleep, I heard/was hearing a strange noise.
  5. I dropped / was dropping my keys while I ran / was running for the bus.
  6. The competition judges didn’t know / weren’t knowing whose food they tasted / were tasting.

Упражнение 2. Complete the email with the Past Simple or Past Continuous of these verbs. You will need to use some verbs more than once.

Decide /    get   /  give   /  go   /   happen   /  not hurt   / play   / try  / want

Last weekend Ben and I visited that new leisure center that everyone is talking about. We 1) ___________ to the ice-skating rink first. Ben slipped a few times while he 2) ___________ to do acrobatic tricks, but luckily he 3) ___________ himself.

After that, we went to the main hall to see what 4) __________ there. On one side of the hall a rock band 5) __________ while on the other side some skateboarders 6) ____________ a display.

The Skateboarders were fantastic so we 7) ___________ to stay and watch them.

After the exhibition, we both 8) __________ to go to the shops inside the center. But it was nearly rush hour and the shops 9) ___________ really crowded so we 10) ____________ to the multiplex cinema to see The Illusionist. What a fantastic film!

Упражнение 3.  Match the beginnings (1-7) with the endings (a-g). Then complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. He ___________ (climb) down the side of a building2. The sun _________ (shine) brightly3. The hot water tank _________ (explode)4. When we _________ (get) to the concert5. I _________ (not know) that my friends6. While you _________ (lie) on the beach7. Last year, Simon _________ (give up) painting a) while I __________ (have) a shower.b) the band ___________ (play) my favourite song.c) when suddenly the rope _________ (break).d) and __________ (take up) sculpture instead.e) ___________ (prepare) a surprise  party for me.f) when I __________ (get up) this morning.g) we ___________ (study) for our exams!

Упражнение 4. Вставьте Past Simple или Past Continuous

  1. An amazing display of traditional-style canoes ____ last week in Portland (to open).
  2. Last month, we ________ the most amazing opportunity to head down to Nashville (to have).
  3. These ladies__________ an apartment when they ____ both _______ English in Jakarta, Indonesia (to share, to teach).
  4. Last year we________ too tired even to make quality home design (to be).
  5. While the tourists __________ at the beach, animators __________ coffee in the bar (to dance, to have).
  6. Last time there ________ a snowfall in November in 2016 (to be).
  7. A Qatari sheikh ________ more than £1billion on his art collection last year (to spend).
  8. The hot-blooded and furious Tybalt ________ a grudge against Romeo (to bear).
  9. While we __________ to a dive site we __________ the advantages of Utila, the smallest and most unspoiled of the Bay Islands of Honduras (to boat, to discuss).
  10. In the late 1600s, the British ________ all non-English ships from trading with colonies (to forbid).
  11. We ________ busy building our new country house that year (to be).
  12. Our friend’s dog __________ us as we__________ around the neighborhood (to follow, to walk).
  13. The student __________ up the escalator while it __________ (to run, to move).

Ответы к упражнениям

Exercise 1.

1 — Left / went, 2 — didn’t / were watching / turned, 3 – rang / was doing, 4 — was falling / heard, 5-dropped / was running, 6 — didn’t know / were tasting

Exercise 2. 1.went    2.was trying     3.didn’t hurt       4.was happening         5.was playing      6.were giving     7.decided     8.wanted  9.were getting  10.went

Exercise 3.

1C — was climbing, broke

2G — was shining, got up

3A —  exploded, was having

4B – got, was/were playing

5E – didn’t know, were preparing

6G – were lying, were studying

7D – gave up, took up

Exercise 4.

1 opened, 2 had, 3 were sharing / were teaching, 4 were, 5 were dancing  / were having, 6 was, 7 spent, 8 bore, 9 were boating / were discussing, 10  forbade, 11 were, 12 was following /were walking, 13 was running / was moving

Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!


Past Simple: упражнения для начинающих и не только


Изучение английского языка, скорее всего, занимает у вас множество времени и сил. И это учитывая тот факт, что не всегда весь материал понятен. Существует теория, что для того,  чтобы выучить иностранный язык, необходимо потратить пятьдесят девять с половиной недель.

И это при условии, что вы занимаетесь без перерывов. Конечно, такие цифры немного пугают, но не больше, чем времена английского языка. А если конкретнее, то именно упражнения Past Simple вводят большинство учеников в ступор.

С чем же это может быть связано? Какие задания на Past Simple самые эффективные? Какой последовательности в изучении придерживаться? И какие упражнения на was/were в Past Simple считаются самыми эффективными? На все эти вопросы мы с вами ответим, попутно рассматривая основные задания.

Именно благодаря им вы сможете сами понять правила по прошедшему времени и выполнять упражнения Past Simple с легкостью. Но для начала немного теории.

Past Simple – это прошедшее простое время в английском языке. Оно показывает те действия, которые вы совершили в течение дня.

Например: я увидел радугу, я поговорил с другом, Энн позвонила родителям. Все эти действия произошли за один день и являются по своей структуре простыми. Упражнения на простое прошедшее время в английском языке помогут вам закрепить знания о том, в каких случаях оно применяется. Это вы сможете сделать ниже благодаря списку заданий, которые мы для вас подготовили. А мы двигаемся дальше.

The Past Simple Tense: упражнения из цикла «Английский язык для начинающих»

Ниже мы с вами рассмотрим упражнения по английскому языку на Past Simple, с помощью которых вы сможете проверить свой уровень знаний данного предмета. Итак, приступим.

Упражнение на правильные глаголы в Past Simple:

Например: harry – harried;

  1. try — ____________;
  2. hop — ___________;
  3. stay — ___________;
  4. cry — ____________;
  5. nod — ___________;
  6. clean — __________;
  7. smile — __________;
  8. spy — ___________;
  9. clap — ___________.

Например: robbed – rob;

  1. ticked — _____________;
  2. closed — _____________;
  3. tried — _______________;
  4. started — ______________;
  5. tried — ________________;
  6. loved — ________________;
  7. showed — _______________;
  8. tapped — ________________;
  9. stayed — ________________.

Например: He helped (help) his friends yesterday.

  1. I ________(wash) my jacked.
  2. They _______(walk) all the way home.
  3. We_________(listen) to the teacher.
  4. It _________(stop) raining in the morning.
  5. He _________() sweets.
  6. They_________(job) the bank yesterday.

open, smile, knit, start, jump, close, tidy, listen, plan, , study

  1. Я связала — ______________________.
  2. Он открыл — _____________________.
  3. Я закрыл — ______________________.
  4. Мы начали — ____________________.
  5. Вы послушали — _________________.
  6. Ты улыбнулся — _________________.
  7. Она прыгнула — _________________.
  8. Нам нравилось — ________________.
  9. Они изучали — __________________.
  10. Ты навел порядок — ______________.
  11. Мы спланировали — ______________.

Упражнения на применение правильных глаголов в Past Simple, которые мы рассмотрели, помогут вам в изучении языка.

Глагол to be в прошедшем простом времени

Ниже мы приводим упражнения на употребление глагола to be в Past Simple.

Например: (she/to be/upset) (-) She wasn’t upset.

  1. (there/to be/ any books)(+) _____________________.
  2. (he/to be/ tired) (?) ___________________________.
  3. (I/ to be/ right) (-) ____________________________.
  4. (we/ to be/ there) (+)___________________________.
  5. (she/ to be/ late) (-)___________________.
  6. (there/ to be/ any sugar) (?)_____________.

Например: We were tired.

  1. Tom ___________hungry.
  2. I _____________listen to her.
  3. They ___________at the concert.
  4. My friends ___________dance with Tim.
  5. There _________________any bread left.

Например: Did they fly to London? – No, they didn’t.

  1. Did Tina read a lot? – Yes,_____________.
  2. Did she follow this road? – No, __________.
  3. Did they live here? – Yes, _______________.
  4. Did Tim write that letter? – No, __________.
  5. Did he smoke? – Yes, __________________.

Задания на Past Simple не обязательно должны быть в привычном учебном формате. Предлагаем вам один из вариантов онлайн-упражнения на Past Simple, которые понравятся как детям, так и взрослым.

Игра на отработку вопросов в Past Simple в сравнении с Present Simple

два набора карточек. Первый состоит из карточек с глаголами: speak English, play football, cook dinner и пр. Второй набор представляет собой карточки со словами, которые указывают на время и частоту повторений: always, often, last month, last week и др.

Игроки: 2 человека и более.

Правила: Два набора карточек лежат в перевернутом состоянии перед игроками. Первый игрок тянет одновременно из двух наборов карточки и составляет из них вопрос в зависимости от выпавших ему условий. А второй игрок должен ответить на вопрос в краткой форме.

К примеру, выпадают карточки с фразами: meet friends и last week. Соответственно он задает вопрос: Did you meet friends last week? На что второй игрок отвечает, например: Yes, I did. За каждый правильно заданный вопрос, а также правильный ответ, игроку присуждается один балл.

В итоге побеждает тот, у кого больше баллов к концу игры.

Мы рассмотрели с вами упражнения общего плана на прошедшее время в английском языке. А далее мы бы хотели разделить их по категориям. Итак, приступим.

Учимся составлять утвердительные предложения в Past Simple

Мы с вами выше уже рассматривали задания такого плана. Далее мы предлагаем вам упражнения на Past Simple с ответами.

  1. I (to play) computer games yesterday.
  2. I (to play) computer games at five o’clock yesterday.
  3. He (to play) computer games from two till three o’clock yesterday.
  4. We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday.
  5. What Nick (to do) when you came to his place?

Учимся составлять отрицательные предложения в Past Simple

Упражнения в данной категории выглядят следующим образом:

Например: His friends didn’t smile (not smile), he frowned (frown).

  1. Sam___________(not work), he___________(watch) TV.
  2. My sisters____________(not jog), they __________(walk).
  3. You______________(not talk), you______________(shout).
  4. Amie______________(not ask), she _____________(order).
  5. Alice_______________(not want) that dress, she ___________(want) that skirt.

Например: We don’t often watch TV.

  1. Dogs __________ climb trees.
  2. We _______ travel last year.
  3. I ________ onions.
  4. She _________ go to work every day.
  5. He __________ usually play with as.

Учимся составлять вопросительные предложения в Past Simple

В данном разделе на примерах выполненных заданий, вы сможете проследить и закрепить знания по вопросительным предложениям в простом прошедшем времени.

Например: Did she finish her work on Friday?

  1. ________ they climb that mountain last year?
  2. ________ Peter usually go to bed late?
  3. _________ your friends bananas?
  4. __________ you take music lessons last month?
  5. __________ he call you yesterday?

Например: (at that hotel/ you/ stay) – Did you stay at that hotel?

  1. (Pat/ shout/ loudly) (?) — _____________________
  2. (want/ here/we/ to stay) (-) — __________________
  3. (it/rain/yesterday) (?) — ______________________
  4. (yesterday/ he/arrive) (+) — ___________________
  5. (play/tennis/they) (-) — _______________________

Мы с вами рассмотрели основные варианты упражнений по закреплению знаний о прошедшем простом времени в английском языке. Далее хотелось бы оставить ряд заданий, в которых вам предстоит в зависимости от времени Past Simple и Past Continuous правильно составить предложения. Также в конце статьи вы найдете правильные ответы к данным упражнениям. Итак, приступим.

Вводные упражнения по теме Past Simple и Past Continuous

  1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday.
  2. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me.
  3. I (to do) my homework when mother came home.
  4. I (to do) my homework yesterday.
  5. He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework.
  6. When we were in the country last summer, I (to go) to the wood one day. In the wood I (to find) a little fox cub. I (to bring) it home. I (to decide) to tame the cub. Every day I (to feed) it and (to take) care of it. I (to tame) it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quite tame.

    It lives in my house.

  7. When I (to come) home, my little sister (to sleep).
  8. When Nick (to come) home, his brother (to play) with his toys.
  9. When mother (to come) home, I (to do) my homework.
  10. When father (to come) home, Pete (to sleep).

Past Simple: упражнения для начинающих и не только Ссылка на основную публикацию
